
Timble Family Mysteries Series

There's a Pirate in the Family

There's a Smuggler in the Family
There's a Spy in the Family
There's a Traitor in the Family

Reegan Murder Mystery Series

Is Jack Back?

A Gift Wrapped Murder
Funk to Fraud to Murder
Tropical Murder
4:20 Heist and Murder
Murder and a Crispy Rolls Royce

Natural Science

Fossil Shark Tooth Poster
Modern Shark Teeth
Fossil Shark Teeth
Fossil Collectors Handbook
Mammoths and Mastodons

Aiki Combat Jujits

White Tiger Kenpo

Tracy Kenpo

American Kenpo

Broadsword Forms

Pitbull Jujits

Tai Chi

Tae Kwon Do






Broadsword Kata - Single Saber Set

     Born and raised in the Peoples Republic of China, He studied Xiau Hong Quan from of Kung Fu or Whu Shu in the famous martial arts area of China in the Shang Tung Province.  In this video he will demonstrate the basic Dian Do or Saber Techniques and its use in two different sets; the Single Saber Set and the Phoenix Sword.

Manuals Coming Soon
